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What ss Below The Line Advertising ?

Mark Simon811 01-Sep-2019

What ss Below The Line Advertising ?

To understand what Below The Line Advertising is, one must understand how an advertising agency functions, what all services it entails and the classifications it has for the kind of work it does. Advertising has many mediums, and ATL and BTL are specific functions related to the mediums and requirements.

Above The Line (ATL) is a large promotion targeted at mass audience through conventional mass advertising mediums like Television, Radio, Print (National Newspapers & Magazines), Outdoor and Internet. The objective in ATL is to reach maximum number of audience while giving the brand maximum exposure. Below The Line Advertising targets a specific demographic aimed at immediate reaction. Because it’s a shorter duration campaign, its objective is very specific, memorable and direct advertising activities focused on targeted groups of consumers.

BTL Advertising Agencies in Dubai deploy innovative concepts & mediums to reach out to the specific demographic, with proficient and cost-effective means. Its more about understanding customers at individual levels and communicate according to their needs and preferences. While it’s difficult than ATL, it’s also very creative and innovative, as creative people can create mediums if there is an innovative thought. The regular means of BTL Advertising are direct mailing, flyers, brochures, books, digital advertising, usage of sponsorships, production, events & roadshows and point of sale. Point of Sale becomes the most important aspect of BTL Advertising Agencies as that’s the final call to action, it has the urgency to close the deal.

In recent years, BTL Advertising Agencies have come to the fore for the highly specialized services they offer and are experts in. BTL also entails a touch & feel kind of mediums, where the customers interact with the brands in a more personalized and intimate manner. This requires a lot of creativity & innovation. This is also strategized after extensive market research to identify the niche audience. BTL Advertising Agencies also are great at bringing down costs of communication with their selective use of media and precise targeting. BTL advertising foster more meaningful relationship with potential customers with the objective of engaging with them.

You can Visit Our Website to see their body of work which also features a lot of BTL projects.

Updated 01-Sep-2019

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